* Note: USER ACCOUNTS shows users who have an account on this portal. An account enables a user to log in. Once logged in, a user then creates their profile, which has details about their bio, organisations, areas of research etc
User Accounts
First Name | Username | Email Address | Role | Created Profile? | Edit | User No |
Prince Teye-Gaga | Prince Gaga | teye.princ@gmail.com |
User |
Edit | 74 | |
Robert Donkor | donmirakls1 | fruvegfarmsgh@gmail.com |
User |
Edit | 60 | |
Rose Omari | rosab28 | rose.omari@yahoo.com |
User |
No Send reminder to create profile *1 reminders sent. *Last reminder sent on February 1, 2025 at 11:54 pm |
Edit | 114 |
Roseline Love Macarthur | roseline.macarthur@ucc.e | roseline.macarthur@ucc.edu.gh |
User |
Yes | Edit | 38 |
Samuel Atuahene | Samfozzy | satuahene@mail.ru |
User |
No Send reminder to create profile *1 reminders sent. *Last reminder sent on November 22, 2023 at 9:53 am |
Edit | 48 |
Selorm Akaba | sakaba@ucc.edu.gh | sakaba@ucc.edu.gh |
User |
Yes | Edit | 39 |
Seth Kotey | djanie | kotey.seth11@gmail.com |
User |
Yes | Edit | 92 |
Site Manager | sitemanager2 | albert@hwstech.com |
User |
Yes | Edit | 81 |
Solomon Asante-Okyere | sasante-okyere@umat.edu. | sasante-okyere@umat.edu.gh |
User |
Yes | Edit | 32 |
Solomon Asamoah | paps | solomonasamoah100@gmail.com |
User |
No Send reminder to create profile *1 reminders sent. *Last reminder sent on November 22, 2023 at 9:58 am |
Edit | 45 |
Solomon Edziah | sedziah | sedziah1@gmail.com |
User |
No Send reminder to create profile *1 reminders sent. *Last reminder sent on November 22, 2023 at 9:50 am |
Edit | 49 |
Stephen Moore | stephen.moore@gmail.com | stephen.moore@gmail.com |
User |
Yes | Edit | 40 |
Theodora Ekua Aryee | taryee@ashesi.edu.gh | taryee@ashesi.edu.gh |
User |
Yes | Edit | 41 |
Thomas Tagoe | Tomtagoe | tatagoe@ug.edu.gh |
User |
No Send reminder to create profile *3 reminders sent. *Last reminder sent on February 1, 2025 at 11:51 pm |
Edit | 50 |
Toufiq Musah | toufiq | toufiqmusah32@gmail.com |
User |
Yes | Edit | 103 |
Victoria Amoako | amoaks | vamoako123@gmail.com |
User |
Yes | Edit | 104 |