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Status: Approved

Title: Miss | Designation: Research Assistant
First Name: Beatrice | Last Name: Tagoe

I work for: A research organisation
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0245398618
Whatsapp number: 0245398618
Address: Adenta-Frafraha
Accra, Greater Accra

Beatrice Naa Dedei Tagoe is a dedicated research assistant at the Sensory Evaluation Laboratory, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana. She holds a B.Sc. in Nutrition and Food Science, along with an MPhil in Food Science from the University of Ghana. Beatrice’s primary focus areas are Product development, Food Quality, with a keen interest in Sensory and Consumer Research. She has shared her research at prestigious platforms including the Sensometrics Conference (2022) and the College of Basic and Applied Sciences 2023 Science and Development Conference. Outside of work, she enjoys singing and listening to music.

Title: Research Assistant
Affiliation type: Contract
Name of Organisation: University of Ghana
: Greater Accra
Country: Ghana
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Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2023 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
  1. Food Science
  1. Linkedin :
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