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Status: Approved
Title: Mr | Designation: PhD Student
First Name: Anthony Jacklingo Kwame | Last Name: Quansah Junior
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0555328428Whatsapp number: 0555328428
Anthony Jacklingo Kwame Quansah Junior is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Engineering at KNUST, where he has also earned his MPhil and BSc in Computer Engineering. He is actively involved in research with the Distributed IoT Platforms, Privacy, and Edge-Intelligence Research (DIPPER) Lab. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Title: PhD Student
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Dipper Lab, KNUST
: Kumasi
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
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Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Dipper Lab, KNUST
: Kumasi
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
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