Message to Site Manager

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Status: Approved

Title: Dr | Designation: Founder & CEO
First Name: Emmanuel Kwaku | Last Name: Tweneboah

I work for: An industry partner organisation
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0549143908
Whatsapp number: 0549143908
Address: DeGames Arena. Beulah Rd
Cape Coast, Central CC-124-6650

Behavior Centered Design, Integrated Policy Practitioner

Title: Founder
Affiliation type: Self-employed
Name of Organisation: The Games Arena
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2021 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
  1. Product Development
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Innovation
  4. Sustainable Development
  5. Market structures
  1. Linkedin :
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