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Status: Approved

Title: Dr | Designation: Senior Lecturer
First Name: Nazir | Last Name: Kizzie-Hayford

I work for: A research organisation
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Nazir Kizzie-Hayford is a Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He engages in teaching and research, and specializes in the application of knowledge and skills in Fermentation science, Enzymology, Biotechnology and Food engineering concepts to improve on the value of underutilized tropical plant-based products for food use. One of his major research themes borders on the continuous development of technological strategies for the generation of high-value food products, such as vegetable milk-like extracts, lactic fermented yoghurt-like systems or bakery products from tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) for use as high-value sustainable food alternatives in Ghana and tropical Africa at large.

He has in-depth knowledge and long years of teaching experience in principles of Food processing and preservation, Fermentation and Enzymology, Microbiology and Biochemical engineering. He additionally gives supportive training to micro-small scale food-related enterprises in the application of good manufacturing practices for promoting food quality, safety and food security in Ghana.

Title: Senior Lecturer
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
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I am currently working in this role: Yes
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Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
  1. Food Science
  2. Technology
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