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Status: Approved

Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Madinatu | Last Name: Bello

I work for: A research organisation
Contact Details
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Madinatu Bello attended the University of Cape Coast for her first and terminal degrees and University of Ghana for her second degree. Since 2013, she has been teaching at the University of Cape Coast, Department of Theatre and Film Studies, as an Assistant Lecturer in African Performance Theories, History of Theatre and Performing Arts Management. She has completed her PhD studies in Music Education at the University of Cape Coast after researching into the cultural and creative industries and their connections with performing arts departments in universities in Ghana. This appears to be a new research area that interests her so much. She was a recipient of a scholarship from the DAAD Graduate School. Performing Sustainability, Cultures and Development in West Africa between 2017 and 2020.She is currently working on “Cocooned in Harmony”, a One Ocean Hub project as a consultant.

Title: Senior Lecturer
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
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I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2010 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
  1. Music
  2. Theatre
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