(Original Title: Examining the effects of carrot juice addition on the physicochemical properties, bioactive profile and sensory properties of bissap extract during storage)
Hibiscus-based drinks like Bissap are popular in Ghana, but they spoil quickly during processing and storage, limiting their commercial use. This study explores the biochemical changes in bissap-carrot blends
during storage and their impact on sensory properties, with the aim of enhancing the commercial viability of bissap-based beverages. Four different formulations were tested: 100% Bissap extract; Bissap + Carrot juice extract; Bissap + Carrot + preservative, Bissap + Blanched Carrot + preservative. These blends were stored in plastic bottles at room temperature for 21 days, and their chemical and sensory properties were measured throughout the storage period. Key metrics such as pH, antioxidant activity, colour stability, and anthocyanin content were monitored, along with sensory attributes like flavour, aroma, and appearance. Results indicated that the addition of carrot juice reduced the natural sourness of bissap and improved pH stability and preserved antioxidant properties, while fresh carrots helped retain the colour pigments of the bissap over time. These findings provide insights for beverage manufacturers looking to extend the shelf life of bissap-based products while maintaining quality and sensory appeal.
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