GRIC Industry Brief Session

With glaucoma being a leading cause of irreversible vision loss, this GRIC Industry Brief Session couldn’t be more timely. Learn how machine learning classifiers (MLCs) and key diagnostic parameters such as OCT and VFT data are transforming glaucoma diagnosis in Ghana. Discover insights relevant to healthcare providers, especially in ophthalmology and diagnostic tech. Featured Research: Automating Glaucoma Diagnosis using Artificial Intelligence, presented by @Dr. Andrew Owusu-Ansah and @Dr. Emmanuel Adator Date: 31st October 2024 Time: 10am GMT Session Highlights: In-Depth Results Analysis: Why Naïve Bayes emerged as the top performer, achieving an AUROC of 0.92 Technological Impact: The value of a web-based application that enables rapid and reliable diagnosis Future Directions: Discuss the scalability of machine learning diagnostics for eye health in Ghana Register here: (Zoom) A must-attend for healthcare and tech stakeholders committed to advancing medical technology in resource-constrained environments. @Impact Investing Ghana @The RISA Fund @University of Cape Coast #GRICIndustryBriefSession #Industry #Research #EyeHealth #GlaucomaResearch #TechInnovation

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