Title: | Designation:
First Name: Site | Last Name: Manager
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 111111Whatsapp number: 2222222
Address: No 123
Main street
Cantoment, Greater Accra Ak-100-194
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatu.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatu
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: ama@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 1990 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
Title: Mr | Designation:
First Name: Mohammed | Last Name: Zakaria
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 233509492249Whatsapp number: 233509492249
Address: No. 7, Bauxite Avenue,
Community 17, Lashibi
Accra, Greater Accra Ak-100-194
Suhuyini wears multiple hats making him an dynamic and versatile practitioner focused on strengthening and building #Enterprise #Support and #Transaction #Advisory ecosystem in Ghana, #Government #Affairs and Engagements, Tech and Public Policy, Youth Employment & MERL Tech.
Experienced in #DigiEconomy, and youth employment programme design and implementation coordination; AI and Data Governance in Africa through CAIDP; Building & Scaling Digital Skills, Innovations and Startups, Developing Budding Ecosystems & Hubs funded by Mastercard Foundation, Piloting and Scaling 3 EdTech programs (Digital PaSE eLearning app, EvalYouth Learning Management System & WeGo Innovate), MERL Tech Scan in Africa funded by Mastercard Foundation, and facilitating bilateral trade engagements between governments through ECOWAS.
Served on the National Project Steering Committee of the Internation Trade Centers NTF V Ghana Project, served the Government Task Force of the Youth in Evaluation Initiative under the #EvalA4Action campaign led by the UNFPA, member of the UNFPA Youth Steering Committee for the “Global Evaluation of UNFPA support to women, youth and adolescents”, served as Task Force II Co-Chair of EvalYouth Global Network leading the team in implementing the Global Evaluation Mentoring Programme for Emerging Evaluators, and served as a Policy Researcher for the Partnership for Economic Policy [PEP] multi-country study of the impact of youth employment policies in Ghana.
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation:
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: No
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?:
Research areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Impact Investing
- Product Development
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/zmsuhuyini/
Title: Mr | Designation: Investment Manager
First Name: Abraham | Last Name: Amensah-Belley
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 111111Whatsapp number: 2222222
I am motivated by the chance to learn and grow. I have the desire to work in an environment that provides the platform for the taking of initiatives and responsibility. I aim to develop a strong career in finance / banking / Investment with the aim of helping build SMEs
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Venture Capital Trust Fund GH
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://vctf.com.gh/
Email for verification: amensah-belley@venturecapitalghana.com.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2012 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/mensbells/
Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Daniel | Last Name: Ofori
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Daniel Ofori is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, at the University of Cape Coast. Daniel holds a PhD in Business Administration, a Master of Science in Finance from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK and a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from the University of Cape Coast.
He is also a full professional member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply, (MCIPS, UK) and a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT, UK). Daniel is innovative and well-organised and can coordinate local and international projects. He also holds a Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) certificate from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
He has considerable experience in the electronic and plastic waste value chain. His research focuses on green consumerism, green marketing, reverse logistics and waste management in the supply chain, sustainable consumption and production. Daniel has also contributed to developing E-waste management guides, toolkits and business models.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: ama@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2011 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Logistics
- E-Procurement
- Supply Chain
- Waste Value Chain
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-ofori/
- Google Scholar : https://directory.ucc.edu.gh/p/daniel-ofori
- ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel_Ofori2
- ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7546-6716
Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Selorm | Last Name: Akaba
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Dr. Selorm Akaba is a lecturer in Agricultural Economics at the University of Cape Coast (UCC). He has academic background in agricultural economics and development practice. He has his PhD and MPhil in Agricultural Economics, and BSc in Agriculture, all from the University of Cape Coast. He holds an Advanced Certificate in Peace and Development Studies from Cuttington University, Liberia, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management from Maastricht School of Management in The Netherlands. He is a trained drone pilot and coordinates Unmanned Aerial Systems for Sustainable Agriculture Projects in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension.
He was co-principal investigator for socio-economic and efficacy study on using drones for controlling fall armyworm. He is currently the lead consultant for Skills Development Fund (SDF) training project on Improving Vegetable Productivity and Biosecurity of Farmer Associations at Baifikrom-Mankesim Irrigation Scheme, Central Region, Ghana. He recently facilitated two international training workshops at UCC on the use of drones and digital sensors for precision agriculture; and food safety and authenticity.
He was a Training Consultant at Central Agricultural Research Institute in Liberia on improving food safety and quality standards in rice value chain. He also consulted for the Episcopal Church on value chain approaches, food safety and quality assurance in agribusiness at Cuttington University, Liberia.
Dr. Akaba has published papers in both local and international peer reviewed journals and wrote book chapters. He has also participated and presented papers in local and International conferences, and workshops including the African Climate Risks Conference 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; RUFORUM Skill Enhancement Training for Post-Doctoral Fellows and Emerging Scientists, 2019, Cape Coast; GIZ Organic Agriculture, Business Models and Certification Training Workshop 2019 at Cape Coast; African Green Revolution Forum 2019, Accra; and Conference on Fisheries and Coastal Environment 2017 in Accra.
He is a member of The Food Authenticity Network; Interdisciplinary Food System Teaching and Learning (IFSTAL); Ghana Association of Agricultural Economists (GAAE); and University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG).
He has special interest in Bioeconomics, Climate Change Responses, Food Security and Sustainable Development. His current research focus is on digitalisation of the agri-food systems (use of Drones, Sensors and GIS and Remote Sensing).
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: sakaba@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2016 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Innovation
- Entrepreneurship
- Agriculture
- Economics
- Climate Change
- Agricultural Digitalisation
- Bioeconomics
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/selorm-akaba-16018435/
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wKxG-uAAAAAJ&hl=en
- ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Selorm_Akaba
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profakaba
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/profsakaba
Title: Prof | Designation: Associate Professor
First Name: Ernest | Last Name: Teye
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
I am deeply interested in the determination of Agri-food integrity from farm to folk. This interest has become even more pronounced after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic where many food systems where weakened. With my background in Agriculture, Food Science and Engineering, I have grown and developed myself to become a global expert in food integrity and particularly interested in the application of portable sensor technology for the measurement of Agrochemical inputs, food quality and food fraud. Currently, my research focuses on ensuring Food authenticity from farm to fork by using rapid, onsite and user-friendly detection techniques (E-tongue, E-nose, NIR Spectroscopy, SERS). Thus, my broad focus is Africa without food fraud and with mobile food integrity laboratory.
Since I have 2006 worked in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, School of Agriculture, University of Cape Coast and rose through the ranks from Research Assistant (2006) to Senior lecturer (2016) and Associate Professor 2021. From 2011-2014, he had prestigious Jasmine scholarship for his PhD in Food Science and Engineering leading to the development of novel non-destructive detection of Ghana cocoa bean quality and authenticity by using rapid Sensor techniques coupled with Chemometrics. With over 55 publications in reputable International journals, and with dint of hard work and dedication to research, I have won various local, regional and international grants and subsequently was adjudged Excellent PhD candidate award (2014) during his doctoral studies in Jiangsu University, P.R of China and later on in 2016, 2017, and 2019 was also awarded Best Evolving Researcher Award and 2021 won Best Evolved Research Award (Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy) in the University of Cape Coast. Currently I am also a selection committee board member for UNESCO-OWSD, expert advisor to UN-FAO/IAEA on application of field deployable tools on assessing authenticity and quality of food and an external reviewer to several international reputable journals.
ETeye’s Google scholar, ORCID, Publons
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: ernest.teye@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2014 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Innovation
- Food Science
- Engineering
- Food Engineering
- Agrifood Technology
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=v5twoU0AAAAJ&hl=en
- ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ernest-Teye-2
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/prof-dr-ernest-teye-b6341639/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/DrErnestTeye
Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Frank | Last Name: Boateng
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Dr Frank Boateng is a Chartered Global Management Accountant, Chartered Manager, and Senior Lecturer at University of Mines & Technology. He has over Twenty years’ experience in the Extractive Industry and has helped raised funds and built three gold mines in Ghana and Mauritania. Dr Boateng serves as an advisor and board member of boards in Ghana and USA.
He is a Chartered Accountant, Business Development and Enterprise Risk Strategist. Dr Boateng holds PhD in Management with concentration in Accounting from Walden University (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA); M.Phil in Business Consulting & Enterprise Risk Management from The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Kumasi, Ghana); MBA in Finance from The University of Leicester (Leicester, UK) and BSc. in Business Administration (Accounting Option) from Central University Business School (Accra, Ghana).
He also holds a certificate in introduction to Investments from Ghana Stock Exchange and has participated in several professional training programs and conferences in the UK, USA, Australia, France, UAE, Kenya, Mauritania, SA, Tanzania, and Ghana. Dr. Boateng started his career at the erstwhile Obenemase Gold Mines Ltd in Konongo (Now Oware Mine Ltd) and moved to Satellite Goldfields Ltd (Now Golden Star Resources Wassa Mine) and subsequently worked as Financial Accountant at Goldfields Ghana Ltd Damang Mine.
He later joined Newmont Ghana Gold as Senior Business Analyst and Chirano Gold Mines (Now Kinross Mining Corporation) as Senior Mine Accountant responsible for payables. Frank was appointed as the Financial Controller for Redback Mining’s Tasiast Mauritania Mine in Mauritania. He later joined the startup of Adamus Resources Ltd as Finance and Administration Manager and subsequently appointed as Commercial Manager after the merger with Endeavour Mining Corporation. He also worked as the Country Managing Director for Equipxp Mining & Construction Ghana Ltd.
Speciality: Enterprise Risk Management; Mine Administration & Financial Management; & Extractives Sustainability Management.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Mines and Technology
: Tarkwa
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://www.umat.edu.gh/
Email for verification: fboateng@umat.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2021 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Corporate Governance
- Programme Evaluation
Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Solomon | Last Name: Asante-Okyere
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Mines and Technology
: Tarkwa
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://www.umat.edu.gh
Email for verification: sasante-okyere@umat.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2020 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Innovation
- Computer Science
- Artificial intelligence
- Data analytics
Title: Prof | Designation: Associate Professor / Head of Department
First Name: Emmanuel | Last Name: Sarpong-Kumankoma
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Prof. Sarpong-Kumankoma holds PhD (Finance), MBA (Finance) Thesis Option, and B.Sc. (Admin.) Accounting Option degrees from the University of Ghana Business School. He joined the Department of Finance as a Lecturer in 2006 and is currently their Head of Department (HOD). Prior to this he worked at the Finance Department of the Volta River Authority for several years. Since joining UGBS, he has taught various graduate and undergraduate courses in banking and finance.
His recent research includes evaluating the effect of financial freedom on the competition-performance relationship in the banking sector. Emmanuel has supervised a large number of graduate and undergraduate student project works in finance and banking, and has publications in journals such as Journal of Property Research and Journal of Economic Studies.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Ghana
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://ugbs.ug.edu.gh/
Email for verification: esarpong-kumankoma@ug.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2022 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Governance
- Finance
- Market structures
- Real Estate
- Financial Inclusion
Title: Mr | Designation: Senior Research and Policy Officer
First Name: Julius | Last Name: Lamptey
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
I am an inspiring, creative, analytical and resourceful person who works with passion coupled with great organisation and coordination abilities in achieving results. These qualities have enabled me to participate in a number of key local and international research projects. My travelling experiences have exposed me to different cultures and working environment. My areas of interest cover Data and Policy Analysis, Research & Evaluation, Industry Competitiveness, Business & Investment Promotion, Export Development, and Financial Markets/Chart Analysis.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Impact Investing Ghana
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://impactinvestinggh.org
Email for verification: julius.lamptey@impactivnestinggh.org
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Economics
- Impact Investing
Title: Dr | Designation: Senior Lecturer
First Name: Isaac | Last Name: Mbir Bryant
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Dr. Bryant is an Environmental Engineer and Scientist who has expertise in Renewable Energy, particularly in the area of Biogas Technologies. He had his Bachelor’s Education in Environmental Science in the University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast-Ghana. He then pursued his Masters Education in Wageningen University, Wageningen in The Netherlands in Environmental Sciences, specialising in Environmental Technology.
He later pursued his Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences in Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany, specialising in Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Treatment and Biogas Technologies. He is affable, a team player and an open-minded person with unique personality suitable for both the academic and industrial settings. Thank you for reading about me.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: ibryant@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2009 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Innovation
- Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Technology
- Research website : https://nl.linkedin.com/in/isaac-mbir-bryant-3b4a7a43
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EBR_FuAAAAAJ&hl=en
Title: Dr | Designation: Senior Lecturer
First Name: Kwadwo | Last Name: Anokye Dompreh
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
A lecturer at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Holds a PhD in Physics (Theoretical and computational). Has 57 publications in the areas of acoustic effects in low dimensional materials and SASER (Sound Amplification by Stimulated Emision of Radiation). Current research includes Acoustoelectric, Thermoelectric amplification and Acousto thermal effects in low dimensional materials such as Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes. Recent interest includes TinyMl, Aduino, Raspberry Pi., Quantum Computing.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: kwadwo.dompreh@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2016 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Computer Science
- TinyML
- Quantum Computing
- Internet Of Things (IOT)
- Machine Learning
- Research website : https://gh.linkedin.com/in/kwadwo-dompreh-8813ab127
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oVdMaIEAAAAJ
- ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/K_Dompreh2
Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Madinatu | Last Name: Bello
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Madinatu Bello attended the University of Cape Coast for her first and terminal degrees and University of Ghana for her second degree. Since 2013, she has been teaching at the University of Cape Coast, Department of Theatre and Film Studies, as an Assistant Lecturer in African Performance Theories, History of Theatre and Performing Arts Management. She has completed her PhD studies in Music Education at the University of Cape Coast after researching into the cultural and creative industries and their connections with performing arts departments in universities in Ghana. This appears to be a new research area that interests her so much. She was a recipient of a scholarship from the DAAD Graduate School. Performing Sustainability, Cultures and Development in West Africa between 2017 and 2020.She is currently working on “Cocooned in Harmony”, a One Ocean Hub project as a consultant.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: mbello@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2010 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Music
- Theatre
Title: Dr | Designation: Senior Lecturer
First Name: Nazir | Last Name: Kizzie-Hayford
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Nazir Kizzie-Hayford is a Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He engages in teaching and research, and specializes in the application of knowledge and skills in Fermentation science, Enzymology, Biotechnology and Food engineering concepts to improve on the value of underutilized tropical plant-based products for food use. One of his major research themes borders on the continuous development of technological strategies for the generation of high-value food products, such as vegetable milk-like extracts, lactic fermented yoghurt-like systems or bakery products from tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) for use as high-value sustainable food alternatives in Ghana and tropical Africa at large.
He has in-depth knowledge and long years of teaching experience in principles of Food processing and preservation, Fermentation and Enzymology, Microbiology and Biochemical engineering. He additionally gives supportive training to micro-small scale food-related enterprises in the application of good manufacturing practices for promoting food quality, safety and food security in Ghana.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: nkizzie-hayford@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Food Science
- Technology
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DylXXBUAAAAJ&hl=en
- Linkedin : https://de.linkedin.com/in/nazir-kizzie-hayford-74376076
Title: Dr | Designation: Senior Lecturer
First Name: Roseline | Last Name: Love Macarthur
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: roseline.macarthur@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2000 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Food Science
- Meal Management
- Food Quality and Safety
- Food Storage and Preservation
- Linkedin : https://gh.linkedin.com/in/dr-roseline-love-macarthur-b3b6011b1
- ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roseline-Macarthur-2
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=iRn95u4AAAAJ&hl=en
Title: Dr | Designation: Senior Lecturer
First Name: Stephen | Last Name: Moore
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Address: Post Office Box DL 625
Cape Coast, Central
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: stephen.moore@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2018 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Engineering
- Computer Science
- Industrial Mathematics
- Differential Equations
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=yR3mnjUAAAAJ&hl=en
- Personal website : http://moorestephen.info/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/moorekwesi
- Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/moorekwesi?_rdc=1&_rdr
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/moorekwesi
Title: Dr | Designation:
First Name: Theodora | Last Name: Ekua Aryee
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Ashesi University
: Berekuso
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://www.ashesi.edu.gh/
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
Title: Dr | Designation: Founder & CEO
First Name: Emmanuel Kwaku | Last Name: Tweneboah
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0549143908Whatsapp number: 0549143908
Address: DeGames Arena. Beulah Rd
Cape Coast, Central CC-124-6650
Behavior Centered Design, Integrated Policy Practitioner
Affiliation type: Self-employed
Name of Organisation: The Games Arena
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://degames-arena.business.site
Email for verification: thearenag@gmail.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2021 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Product Development
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Sustainable Development
- Market structures
Title: Mr | Designation: Managing Director
First Name: Kwame | Last Name: Boadi
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 00233248920975Whatsapp number: 00233248920975
Address: P. O. Box, MS 245, Mile 7
Accra, Accra
I am a development communications specialist, with close to three decades of experience in producing and broadcasting educational and development oriented media contact.
At present, I am the MD of AI Media. We work with and for, private, public and international organisations, in the areas of capacity building, information dessimination, marketing and causing behavioral change-pls go to www.aimediaconsult.com and kentetv.com, for more details.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: AI Media Limited
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://www.aimediaconsult.com
Email for verification: boadi@aimediaconsult.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: No
Start year: 2012 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
Title: Mr | Designation: Regulatory Officer
First Name: Andy | Last Name: Dakpo
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0243021606Whatsapp number: 0243021606
I am a HND graduate in Statistics who is passionate to explore the ecosystem of Data Science & Analytics and who needs mentoring and coaching.
Am ready to learn and work with any team of researchers through contracts, freelancing and volunteering.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Ministry of Health
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://andyselorm20@gmail.com
Email for verification: andyselorm20@gmail.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2021 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Others
- Data Science
- Linkedin : http://andyselorm
Title: Mr | Designation: Co-founder
First Name: ALBERT | Last Name: OPOKU
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 233503567166Whatsapp number: 233503567166
Address: 19 Docia Owusu Street
Agric – Nzema
Kumasi, Ashanti
He co-founded Hapaweb Solutions in 2010. Hapaweb Solutions is a Ghana-based company providing Cloud, Web and Mobile solutions. From a bedroom-based business, his company currently have two offices in Ghana and our clients and partners include Google, Microsoft and The British Council.
In 2016, he co-founded hapaSpace, an innovation hub. The hub provides a supportive and dynamic community for over 2000 freelancers, start-ups, and business professionals in Kumasi.
Before starting Hapaweb, Albert worked with the British Council for 5 years. Starting as a Project Delivery Assistant in 2005 and leaving as the Digital Service Manager for a Sub-Saharan African office in 2010.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Ghana, a certificate in Technology Innovation from Stanford University in the USA and a Master’s in Computer Science degree from the University of Bath in the UK.
In the last decade, He has been nominated twice as the Global Young Profession of the Year and Young Entrepreneur of the Year in the Ghanaian Professional Achievers Awards. In 2020, He was the Global winner of The British Council Study UK Alumni Awards for the Social Impact category.
In 2022, Albert published his first book titled “What I Learnt Late – 52 Life Lessons”. In 2023 he published his second book “How to Quit Your Job and Become an Entrepreneur”. Albert is also a Chevening Scholarship alumni, a scrabbles addict and a lifelong Liverpool fan.
Affiliation type: Part-time
Name of Organisation: Hapa Foundation (hapaSpace)
: Kumasi
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://hapaspace.com
Email for verification: albert@hapaspace.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2015 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Computer Science
- Innovation
- Personal website : https://www.albertopoku.com/books
- Google Scholar : https://www.google.com.gh/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Albert+Opoku%22
- Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/booksbyalbertopoku/?_rdc=1&_rdr
- Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/albertopoku
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/AlbertYawOpoku
- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/albertyawopoku/
Title: Mr | Designation: Managing Director
First Name: Robert | Last Name: Donkor
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0244421842Whatsapp number: 0244421842
Address: EU 78 Aduemi Street, Abeka.
Abeka, Accra Greater-Accra
Affiliation type: Part-time
Name of Organisation: UNIDO-WAComp
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Agriculture
- Climate Change
- Sustainable Development
- Entrepreneurship
Title: | Designation:
First Name: Kodwo | Last Name: Amoa-Abban
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Accra Technical University
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
Title: Miss | Designation:
First Name: Jemima | Last Name: Hadzi
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number:
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation:
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
Title: Prof | Designation: Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences
First Name: Alice | Last Name: Mensah
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0243166170Whatsapp number: 0243166170
Address: Barnes Road
An Associate Professor at the department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Accra Technical University. I have over seventeen years progressive teaching experience in diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate academic levels. Exceptional in quantitative analysis and known for strength in trend analysis, statistical analysis plans and provided statistical interpretation for graphs, tables and charts.
Possess good analytical skills acquired over time as a career academician with research interests in the application of statistical techniques to analysis and interpretation of data arising from Economics, Social and public health
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Accra Technical University
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://www.atu.edu.gh
Email for verification: aabaka@atu.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2005 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Innovation
- Public health
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=a5WAgyYAAAAJ&hl=en
Title: Mr | Designation: Site Manager
First Name: Site | Last Name: Manager
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0503567166Whatsapp number: 0503567166
Address: P O Box KS 224
Kumasi, Ashanti SS17 0QA
I am one of the site managers.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: HWS Technologies.com
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: No
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
Title: Miss | Designation: Programme Assistant
First Name: Jemima | Last Name: Hadzi
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0598470886Whatsapp number: 0263931227
Affiliation type: Contract
Name of Organisation: Impact Investing Ghana
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
Title: Prof | Designation: Gabriel Nani
First Name: EMMANUEL | Last Name: WIRIBARE
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0242558169Whatsapp number: 0501656531
Address: Post office Box,139, Knust Kumasi
Kumasi, Ashanti AK-506-803
Emmanuel wiribare a researcher and industry practitioner. He has experience in quantity surveying and construction project management. His research interest includes smart contracts, mixed reality, and sustainability. He is the chief executive officer for Emmawhyte Enterprise, a business entity focusing on construction procurement, project management, research, Innovation, and capacity building.
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation:
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: No
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?:
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Sustainable Development
- Smart contracts, mixed reality
- ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Emmanuel-Wiribare-2
Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Dr. Nuhu | Last Name: Abdulrahman
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0208742779Whatsapp number: 0208742779
Address: University of Professional Studies, Accra
P. O. Box LG149, Accra
Accra, Greater Accra
Dr. Nuhu Alhassan Abdulrahman is currently a full-time lecturer in the Department of Banking and Finance, University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) since 2012. The courses he handles are Corporate Finance, Business Finance, and Money & Capital Markets. Nuhu is also currently an adjunct lecturer at Knutsford University College and Islamic University College, Ghana (IUCG). At Knutsford University College, he lectures Investment Analysis: – Fixed-income, and Equities, while at Islamic University College, Ghana, he lectures Islamic Banking & Finance, and Microfinance.
Nuhu’s academic career began in 2003, at his Alma Mater – Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto-Nigeria – immediately after obtaining the Master’s (MBA) Degree in Finance. In early 2004 he joined University of Abuja-Nigeria, and taught Business Finance, and Principles of Marketing. Nuhu, returned to Ghana in mid-2005, and took appointment as a lecturer, at Islamic University College, Ghana (IUCG) affiliated to University of Ghana. At IUCG, he taught International Finance, Financial Markets & Institutions, Financial Management, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Microfinance, Islamic Banking & Finance, and Business Policy (Strategic Management) for a period of 7 years. He was the first Coordinator for Banking and Finance Programme there, for five years, until joining UPSA in 2012. While at IUCG Nuhu also lectured some of the above mentioned courses at Zenith University College, affiliated to University of Cape Coast.
During the period 2017 to 2019, Nuhu also took up part-time lecturing at Lake Side University, College, affiliated to University for Development Studies (UDS). Courses taught there were Financial Statements Analysis; Risk Management in Banking; Treasury Management; International Finance & Banking, and Islamic Finance & Banking.
In the period 2020 to 2022, he again lectured for University of Cape Coast (UCC), Distance Learning Programmes at Zenith University College, Study Center. The courses handled were Corporate Financial Analysis; Corporate Finance, and Business Finance.
Before joining the academia initially in Nigeria, Nuhu worked as Sales Manager with Banex Group Ltd at Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria, for six (1995 to 2001) years, after obtaining the BSc. Management Studies from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria.
Educational Qualifications
PhD in Finance; Central University of Nicaragua (2020)
MBA in Finance; Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria (2003)
BSc Management; Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria (1994)
Certificate in Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management: Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) (2007)
Certificate in Fundamentals of Finance & Financial Markets: Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) (2006)
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA)
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://www.upsa.edu.gh
Email for verification: infodl@upsamail.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2012 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Agriculture
- Finance
- Impact Investing
- Islamic Finance and Investment
Title: Dr | Designation: Lecturer
First Name: Andrew | Last Name: Owusu-Ansah
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0504043467Whatsapp number: 0504043467
Address: Department of Clinical Optometry, Schoool of Optometry and Vision Science
College of Health and Allied Sciences, University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast, Central
A lecturer in Clinical Optometry at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Cape Coast with 16 years of professional and academic experience. My research focus has been on the pathophysiology and management of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy as well as devising patient-centered interventions that improve success of treatments in eye care.
Recent research has been centered on leveraging AI and Big Data to improve diagnostic accuracy in potentially blinding ocular disease as well as the socio-economic impact of these diseases on the Ghanaian society and the wider African population.
Community Outreach programs that I am interested in have included a glaucoma patient support initiative which seeks to provide clinical counseling for people living with glaucoma with a particular focus on developing efficient support systems for sufferers of the disease in order to ease the psychological burden of the disease on sufferers.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://www.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: andrew.owusu-ansah@ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2014 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
- Health
- Optometry
- Ocular Disease
- Health innovation
- Big Data
- ORCID : https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-4278-2237
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ah8j_S0AAAAJ&hl=en
- ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew-Owusu-Ansah
- Personal website : https://docanch.wordpress.com/
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-owusu-ansah-6744a631/
Title: Miss | Designation: Research Assistant
First Name: Audrey | Last Name: Agbeve
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0504892463Whatsapp number: 0504892463
Address: East Valley View University
Accra, Greater Accra GK -0929-7448
I am a Research Assistant with the Global Health and Infectious Disease (GHID) group at the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR).
My research focuses on leveraging AI applications in healthcare, with a strong passion for developing digital health interventions that enhance health outcomes, particularly in underserved communities. Driven by a commitment to improving global health, I work at the intersection of technology and medicine to advance accessible and impactful healthcare solutions.
Affiliation type: Contract
Name of Organisation: Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine
: Kumasi
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://kccr-ghana.org/
Email for verification: aeagbeve@st.knust.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2024 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
- Health
- Engineering
- Technology
- Digital Health
- mHealth
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/audreyagbeve02/
Title: Mr | Designation: PhD Student
First Name: Anthony Jacklingo Kwame | Last Name: Quansah Junior
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0555328428Whatsapp number: 0555328428
Anthony Jacklingo Kwame Quansah Junior is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Engineering at KNUST, where he has also earned his MPhil and BSc in Computer Engineering. He is actively involved in research with the Distributed IoT Platforms, Privacy, and Edge-Intelligence Research (DIPPER) Lab. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Dipper Lab, KNUST
: Kumasi
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://dipperlab.knust.edu.gh/
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
Title: Mr | Designation: Founder & CEO
First Name: NICHOLAS | Last Name: AFRAM
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0267966358Whatsapp number: 0555243499
Address: P . O BOX CT 2016 Cantonments Accra
Accra, Greater Accra GZ-183-7268
Nicholas Afram is a seasoned Business Consultant, Auditor, and CFO with over 7 years of experience in strategic management across various industries. He is the CEO and Project Director at Gethsemane AI and Robotics Solutions, where he leads digital transformation efforts, particularly in public health through AI-driven solutions. He has extensive experience in project management, finance, and technology, including roles such as Trade Finance Consultant at Yield4 Investment operations in Ghana and Dubai, and at Euro Exim Bank, Saint Lucia.
Nicholas has a strong background in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics Engineering, Fintech, and Blockchain solutions, with a focus on addressing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He has held key positions such as Internal Auditor and CFO at Rigworld Group, and his work spans industries like Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Education, and Agriculture.
Academically, Nicholas is currently pursuing an MSc in Entrepreneurship at Nexford University and a Software Development certification at the University of Texas, USA. He holds various professional certifications, including membership with ACCA UK and Corporate Finance Institute, Canada. Nicholas’s expertise in financial strategy, auditing, and technology adoption makes him a valuable asset in driving sustainable digital transformation across Africa and beyond.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Gethsemane AI & Robotics Solutions
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://www.f6s.com/gethsemane-global-ai-robotics-solutions-llc
Email for verification: info@gethsemaneonlinestore.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2020 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
- Climate Change
- Agriculture
- Entrepreneurship
- IOT, Blockchain & Fintech, Sustainability, Energy Transition
- Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasafram
Title: Mr | Designation: Researcher
First Name: Seth | Last Name: Kotey
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0552527464Whatsapp number: 0552527464
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation:
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2021 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Agriculture
- Artificial intelligence
- Technology
Title: | Designation: Research Assistant
First Name: Albert | Last Name: Tchalla
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0201769201Whatsapp number: 0201769201
Address: College Of Engineering, KNUST
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation: KNUST
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
Title: Dr | Designation: Research Associate
First Name: Emmanuel | Last Name: Adator
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 549878491Whatsapp number: 0549878491
Address: HH19A/2
AMAMOMA, Central Region +233
Affiliation type: Intern
Name of Organisation: University of Cape Coast
: Cape Coast
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://www.ucc.edu.gh
Email for verification: eadator@stu.ucc.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2024 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: Yes
Research areas
- Health
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Optometry
- Ocular Imaging
- Vision Science
- Bioinformatics
Title: Miss | Designation: Research Assistant
First Name: Beatrice | Last Name: Tagoe
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0245398618Whatsapp number: 0245398618
Address: Adenta-Frafraha
Accra, Greater Accra
Beatrice Naa Dedei Tagoe is a dedicated research assistant at the Sensory Evaluation Laboratory, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana. She holds a B.Sc. in Nutrition and Food Science, along with an MPhil in Food Science from the University of Ghana. Beatrice’s primary focus areas are Product development, Food Quality, with a keen interest in Sensory and Consumer Research. She has shared her research at prestigious platforms including the Sensometrics Conference (2022) and the College of Basic and Applied Sciences 2023 Science and Development Conference. Outside of work, she enjoys singing and listening to music.
Affiliation type: Contract
Name of Organisation: University of Ghana
: Greater Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification: bndtagoe@ug.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2023 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Food Science
Title: Mr | Designation: Research Assistant
First Name: Toufiq | Last Name: Musah
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0266134416Whatsapp number: 0266134416
Address: Spintex road, R15
Spintex road
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British, Greater Accra 00233
A Biomedical Researcher with a multidisciplinary background spanning deep learning in healthcare, data science, electronics, computer vision, and hardware design.
Outside of my research and academic pursuits, I dedicate time to volunteer teaching, etc.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine
: Kumasi
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://kccr-ghana.org/
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2024 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
- Engineering
Title: Miss | Designation: Student
First Name: Grace | Last Name: Ofori
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0262223844Whatsapp number: 0262223844
Address: Darkuman
Accra, Greater Accra Region
Affiliation type: Other
Name of Organisation: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
: Kumasi
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2021 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Engineering
Title: Mr | Designation: Student
First Name: Nathaniel | Last Name: Klobodu
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0246528747Whatsapp number: 0246528747
Affiliation type:
Name of Organisation:
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification:
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
- Computer Science
- Engineering
- Innovation
- Sustainable Development
- Technology
- Linkedin : https://linkedin.com/in/nathanielklobodu
Title: Miss | Designation: Research Assistant
First Name: Victoria | Last Name: Amoako
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0555586327Whatsapp number: 0555586327
Address: Canam Gold
Kumasi, Ashanti
Affiliation type: Full-time
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://dipperlab.knust.edu.gh
Email for verification: dipperlab@knust.edu.gh
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: No
Start year: 2023 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Artificial intelligence
Title: Dr | Designation: General Director
First Name: Hedda Ofoole | Last Name: Knoll
Contact Details
Cellphone number:Whatsapp number: 004917630729128
Affiliation type: Part-time
Name of Organisation: Employers For Equality
: Berlin
Country: Germany
Organisation website: https://employers-for-equality.de/en/home-eng_aktuell/
Email for verification: hk@employers-for-equality.de
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2024 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Engineering
- Impact Investing
- Linkedin : https://de.linkedin.com/in/heddaofooleknoll
Title: Mr | Designation: President
First Name: ILBOUDO | Last Name: Omer
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 70388924Whatsapp number: 78434497
Address: 17 BV 30316 OUAGA
Ouagadougou, Kadiogo
Burkina Faso
Project Manager and Economist Manager training with more than 12 years of experience in supporting businesses having worked in projects and programs, NGOs as a consultant. I launch myself into entrepreneurship in the field of consulting . agriculture, media and various deliveries.President of the association Songtaaba for Development ASTD we act since 2018 in the environment and sustainable development by designing and implementing projects of awareness, production agro ecological.
o Laureate FONDATION TONY ELUMELU / UBA BANK 5,000 dollars Year 2018
o Laureate Project Cultural expression for peace, social cohesion and development Project of men’s land spaces GAMBIDI European Union Year 2021 1150 dollars
o Winner of the Palme d´Or Prize for Burkinabe Entrepreneurship 1st Edition 2021
o PADEV Development price Rwanda -KIGALI 2023
Affiliation type: Full-time
: Ouagadougou
Country: Burkina Faso
Organisation website: http://www.associationsongtaaba.org
Email for verification: songtaabainfo@gmail.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2018 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Climate Change
Title: Mr | Designation: Principal Quality Control Officer
First Name: Anthony | Last Name: Oppong Kyekyeku
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0508330964Whatsapp number: 0242381808
Address: P.O.Box M54, Accra
C28, Goodwill Street, Kokomlemle-Accra
Accra, Greater Accra GA-105-8378
Anthony Oppong Kyekyeku is a Ghanaian Ph.D. candidate at the CSIR College of Science and Technology. He has over 13 years of experience in quality control, research, and data analysis within the Ghana cocoa industry under COCOBOD. Rising from Technical Officer to Principal Quality Control Officer, he has excelled in managing ISO/IEC 17020 and 17025 standards compliance, validating operational systems, and leading data-driven solutions to enhance cocoa bean quality and safety.
Anthony’s academic foundation includes a masters in Food Quality Management and a bachelors in Biological Science from the prestigious Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. His research milestones feature a published study on cocoa bean storage systems, showcasing his capacity for both basic and applied research in Food Quality Management. Certified as an ISO/IEC 17020 and 17025 Lead Assessor, he has audited quality standards since 2016. Anthony has also undergone advanced training in metrology, laboratory safety, and quality systems.
Anthony is a committed leader with a proven track record of mentoring teams, driving policy improvements and developing sustainable, science-based solutions to Agro-food commodity sustainability. He also has the ability to conceptualize and drive impactful research that aligns perfectly well within the Food science and Technology discipline. Anthony’s Ph.D. research focuses on ‘‘Optimizing microbial fermentation and sensory profiles in wine development through quorum sensing and AI-driven predictive modelling’’. This innovative approach directly contributes to the development of technologies for Ghana’s Agro-food commodity processing ecosystem and the United Nations sustainable development goals, making him your ideal candidate for projects within the food biosciences themes and artificial intelligence integration in Food product development.
Affiliation type: Full-time
Name of Organisation: Quality Control Company – Ghana Cocoa Board
: Accra
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: https://qccgh.com/
Email for verification: anthony.kyekyeku@qccgh.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 2011 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Sustainable Development
- Artificial intelligence
- Food Science
- Product Development
- Technology
Title: Mrs | Designation: Founder
First Name: Makeba | Last Name: Boateng
Contact Details
Cellphone number: 0244386860Whatsapp number: 0244386860
Address: PMB CT 245, Cantonments
Accra, West Africa GS-0305-4085
Makeba Boateng is a multifaceted professional with a deep commitment to the advancement of Ghanaian creativity, culture, and industry. As the founder of Fashion Forum Africa (FFA) and Boaten Appraisal Service, she has dedicated her career to preserving the legacy of Ghana’s creative industries while championing innovation, sustainability, and cultural exchange.
Through Fashion Forum Africa, Makeba spearheads initiatives that celebrate the richness of Ghanaian and African textiles, design, and craftsmanship. FFA serves as a collaborative platform to advocate for eco-conscious practices, value-chain development, and policy frameworks that empower the creative economy. With a focus on sustainability and heritage, FFA is committed to advancing the economic and cultural contributions of Ghana’s fashion sector while amplifying the voices of emerging designers and artisans across the continent.
Complementing her work with FFA, Makeba is also the driving force behind Boaten Appraisal Service, a professional practice specializing in the valuation of personal property, particularly historical and contemporary textiles, artifacts, and artworks. Her expertise as an independent appraiser and curator underscores her role as a steward of cultural heritage, ensuring that Ghanaian creativity and craftsmanship are recognized and preserved for generations to come.
Makeba’s efforts bridge the gap between traditional craftsmanship and modern entrepreneurship, fostering a dynamic ecosystem where Ghanaian talent can thrive on a global stage. Her vision for a more sustainable, inclusive, and innovative creative sector reflects her belief in the transformative power of Ghanaian creativity and culture.
Makeba Boateng embodies the synergy between tradition and progress, making her an invaluable advocate for the growth of Ghana’s creative industries and the preservation of its cultural heritage.
Affiliation type: Freelance
Name of Organisation: Fashion Forum Africa
: Boaten Appraisal Service
Country: Ghana
Organisation website: http://www.fashionforumafrica.com
Email for verification: makeba@fashionforumafrica.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 6 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Affiliation type: Other
Name of Organisation: Boaten Appraisal Service
Country: Ghana
Organisation website:
Email for verification: boatenappraisalservice@gmail.com
Link to your profile on organisation’s website: View
I am currently working in this role: Yes
Start year: 1 | End year:
Affiliation confirmed by Site manager or Affiliation Approver?: NotYet
Research areas
- Product Development
- Sustainable Fashion Practices, Indigenous Textiles and Craftsmanship, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Creative Economy Development, Fashion Innovation and Technology, Textile Policy Advocacy, Eco-Conscious Design and Manufacturing, African Fashion History and Legacy Artisanal and Handmade Products, Cultural Exchange and Global Collaboration